Tonno Capri
Life is to be savored,
one taste at a time.
In the south of Italy, ancient wisdom holds that life takes on a beauty that slips between caves and coves, between the iridescent blue of the sea and the warm colors of agaves, prickly pears and gorse.
The grandfather, Igino often took refuge in this paradise and returned with a new sense of calm.
It was not only because of the enchantment of the Faraglioni of Capri, it was not because he had witnessed the mimosas in blossom; he came back to bring us as a gift of the harsh and simple wisdom of the farmers tainted by the superficial air of VIP tourists from all over the world.
Capri Tuna is a tribute to that land, a place where life does not require much explanation or the need to look for deep meaning, just that which triggers the senses.
This is why we want to bring simplicity to the table. Life is to be savored, one taste at a time.
Fish preserves since 1918.
For four generations, Igino Mazzola S.p.A. Has specialized in the selection, preservation and sale of sardine, salmon, mackerel, tuna, cod, anchovy and clam. Over the years, we have established protocols which not only guarantee quality products, in terms of flavor and nutrition, they also ensure compliance with the production specifications of our suppliers and consumer safety.
We have always believed in a strategy of supporting the eco-sustainability of fishing tuna in the oceans in order to limit the catch, therefore helping the various species to recover.
Each decision is taken after carefully considering the true needs of the consumer, fishermen, workers, ecosystem, so that our ability to provide answers is as broad and concrete as possible.
We have always done this through common sense and trust, a one hundred year old legacy which continues.